When you ask me why
I live tame here on the rez
I laugh in my heart
For I have seen the beauty
of irridescent red dawns
I held in my hand
A brilliant butterfly
That landed only
For an instant to greet me
And bless my hands with her wings
Four eagles circle
Riding the high wind currents
I pray for a gift
to soar high as they
to see the total picture
A family of deer
Eat apples from my tree
Gracefully stealing
Sweet crunchy juicy red fruit
Trusting me to be gentle
White clouds tell stories
with moving pictures changing
with the whim of winds
First Thunderbird, Killer Whale
Hunted by first giant man
Wild roses perfume
Early summer air with sweet
Scents of bright freedom
Growing where they choose to be
Living on sun and pure rain
When you ask me why
I live tame here on the rez
A lone cedar tree
watches the river flow by
And is content to stand firm